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5 Years...


Five years from now I hope to have at leasted finished and earned my bachelors degree. As well as having moved out of my parents house and living off of myself independently. Enjoying how things are going by. 



10 Years...

I hope to being doing a career I love. Living a happy stable life mentally and emotionally. Traveling and seeing parts of the world I have always wanted to see. Having great communication with friends from high school and college.


I have always wanted to help others. Whether its from helping cities, countries etc, from natural disasters. Helping families that live in poverty, or anything else of that matter when someone wishes help themselves. But a teacher once told me, in order to help others I have to help myself first. So I am still try to figure out how that will work. Because for me, helping someone and knowing that person is happy, brings me joy. If that could some how be a career, then I most certianly would have that as a career. 

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